Universidad Afro-Americana de África Central (AAUCA)

Afro-American University of Central Africa AAUCA

Afro-American University of Central Africa, AAUCA, located in Ciudad de La Paz, Djibloho, Equatorial Guinea, created in 2015, is an institution committed to quality improvement in higher education, whose aim is to create a fruitful future for its students.

AAUCA has nearly 1,000 students, distributed among the School of Preparatory Studies and the four Faculties: Economics and Business, Education and Humanities, Engineering and Architecture, and Medicine and Biology. Around 79 professors and 76 technical and administrative staff from 13 African countries, Americas and Europe are responsible for this great academic challenge in the middle of the Congo Basin jungle, on the borders between Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Gabon.

AAUCA focuses on the implementation of higher education and university research with a scientific and technological approach, in accordance with the needs of its economic development and with a view to globalization, carrying out research that will result in concrete contributions to the strengthening of higher, technical and professional education, with the aim of achieving the best socio-economic use of the country’s natural resources and thus raising the quality of life of the population.

AAUCA offers equal opportunities to everyone and one of its goals is accreditation in the United States of America.